14 de maio de 2011


Prayer for the new
Republic of South Sudan

God of Mercies, we thank you for your great love for us.
We ask you to guide our leaders in the process of nation building.
Grant them wisdom, compassion and fortitude.

Loving God, give us courage to reject ethnic resentment
as well as ethnic conflicts.

Through the intercession of St. Josephine Bakhita,
help us to overcome hurt, hostility and bitterness in our hearts
so that we become reconciled citizens in our new nation.

Renew in us the will for honest and hard work,
and bring us closer to you
in the spirit of service, unity and lasting peace.

Lord, we pray for our heroes, our martyrs and all innocent people
who died during the long years of war.

We pray in thanksgiving for all those
who stood by us in solidarity to bring about peace.

Unite us from every tribe, tongue and people. 
Send your Holy Spirit upon us and may your will be done in us.

God, bless our new nation;
bless the Republic of South Sudan;
bless the Republic of Sudan,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 comentário:

conexão emancipacionista disse...

Parabéns por tão importante blog mostrando o Sudão como ele realmente é! tenho um blog no Brasil e muito me interessa assuntos sobre a África!
aurelio schmitt